Sunday, February 7, 2010

Chapter 1

I couldn't help but grin while I got into the back seat of the car. My driver looked at me suspiciously, and asked if he should congratulate me.

"Yes! Finally! Thank God. Five months of searching for a job and I finally will be making my own salary."

"Congratulations, sir. That's excellent news. Do your parents know?"

I frowned. I remembered how I had to break the news to my parents. Parents usually are ecstatic when their children find a job. I'm skeptical how my parents will react. I mean, when my dad was young he traveled to England and cleaned dishes for several months to make some cash and get some experience. He had a medical degree. But was washing dishes in England comparable to the new job I was offered?

I told Mr. Sayed about my dilemma and he assured me that my parents were good people. They will be shocked at first, but will eventually come to accept my decision. The pay is pretty low--even lower than what Mr. Sayed, makes, but still. I will gain experience in dealing with different people, learn some patience, learn a thing of two about hard work, make some money to use for my project, and most importantly, I will have a job.

It wasn't a shameful job. It was just strange -- for a person like me to have. But this wouldn't be permanent. It would just be until I found a regular engineering career. It's so much better than staying at home; waking up at 2:00 in the afternoon and going to bed after sunrise, eating and playing video games all day and going out with friends. My friends. How would they take the news? Would they be happy for me? Would they be embarrassed or laugh at me? Should I even tell them?

"Sir, we're home," Mr. Sayed said as he looked at me concernedly through the rear view mirror.

"Thanks Mr. Sayed. My mother will call you in a little bit, I think she has plans later on today." I smiled at him graciously as I closed the door to the car.

"Go ahead, Tant Mervat," I held the elevator door open to our neighbor.

"Thank you habibi, how is your mother? How's the job search going, any luck?"

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